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2010-12-26 22:16:08|  分类: 书画活动 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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[东南花都]丹麦.漳州当代美术作品联展暨读画楼藏品邀请展即将开幕 - 土楼画家卢果 - “道一居”欢迎您到





        Sponsor: Zhangzhou Municipal Government

        Connor Artists Association of Denmark



        Co-sponsor: Zhangzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles

        Zhangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture and Press




         Organizer: Zhangzhou Tian Luo Keng Painting Studio

         Beijing A Arts Center

         Zhangzhou Municipal Association of Artists


Presenting Sponsor: Southeastern Flower Garden


Organizing Committee of Exhibition:

主  任:黄浦江

Director: Huang Pujiang

副主任:庄文海  汪莉莉  郑智民  黄良弼

Deputy Director: Zhuang Wenhai  Wang Lili  Zhen Zhiming  Huang Liangbi

委  员:李亚根  方立强  庄毓聪  卢  果  卢炳全

            戴晓清  汪海泉  杨天生  周建明  张美生

Member: Li Yageng  Fang Liqiang  Zhuang Yucong  Lu Guo  Lu Bingquan

Dai Xiaoqing  Wang Haiquan  Yang Tiansheng  Zhou Jianming  Zhang Meisheng  

艺术顾问:王彤(瑞典)  庄洲文

Art Consultant: Wang Tong (Swedish)   Zhuang Zhouwen

统  筹:韩金鹏  陈连升

Chief arranger: Han Jinpeng   Chen Liansheng

总策划:卢  果

Chief Planner: Lu Guo

执行总监:蓝  兰

Executive Director: Lan Lan











主  任:黄浦江

副主任:庄文海  汪莉莉  郑智民  黄良弼

委  员:李亚根  方立强  庄毓聪  卢  果  卢炳全

            戴晓清  汪海泉  杨天生  周建明  张美生

艺术顾问:王彤(瑞典)  庄洲文

统  筹:韩金鹏  陈连升

总策划兼执行总监:卢  果



序   Preface 


Thanks to the Northern Europe & Zhangzhou Modern Artworks Exhibition, the beginning of 2011 that would have been an ordinary period for Northern Europe, as well as for Zhangzhou has turned into extraordinary.


The joint exhibition of Chinese painting and oil painting reveals different aesthetic appeals of different countries and nations, who meanwhile share the same spiritual pursuit. Traditional Chinese culture emphasizes on expressing in an implicit way, pursuing refined taste and wisdom as well as a world of serenity. It is actually a central reflection of China as a poem-oriented nation. Such methodology aiming to study the essence appeals more far-reaching in the spiritual sphere of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.


As a historical and cultural city, in retrospection of Zhangzhou’s painting history, its cultural accumulation has nurtured numerous prestigious pianists who shed a brilliant shine on the Min-nan painting style in Zhangzhou. The painting talents in Zhangzhou have invariably released their accumulated tension of artistic spirit and painting in coincide with the times. To devote to Chinese painting, the creation has to be set against the backdrop of extensive Chinese culture, together with tremendous efforts. This is the law of Chinese painting that has been tested by numerous art masters throughout the history and it is also the belief that an artist should always uphold. The works from Zhangzhou Artists in this exhibition are expressing exactly such kind of cultural expectation with solid dream of fulfilling their responsibilities. No matter their landscape painting, flower-bird painting or figure painting, all of them are revealing the persistent pursuit of conventional features as well as individuality. While the origin of Min-nan painting style centrally highlights their regional persistence. From the facsimile of ancient dwellings to sketch of Tulou (earth buildings), cols, trees and flowers; from the singing of girls from Min-nan area to the passion of women in the mountain areas, all of these have been sincerely expressed by  Zhangzhou painters, deserving people’s appreciation out of respect and love. Considering this, the role played by Zhangzhou painting in inheriting the past and ushering in the future inspires all of us.         


The Northern European countries boast time-honored history, beautiful natural environment as well as enriched cultural accumulation, which have given rise to the serene state of mind advocated by the northern European painters. As the main painting method of north Europe, oil painting’s styles have been diversified with each passing day. No matter the realistic depiction or derivatives from various genres, whether the figurative or abstract way of expression, and no matter the constitution of modern painting or the outcome of post-impressionism, all of them embody the concern towards painting, the painters’ eulogy for life, the eternal respect for Mother Nature as well relentless pursuit of the integration of truth-seeking, moral-establishing and artistry-creating.  


The exchange of arts between China and Denmark in the northern Europe originated from last century, as in 1950s renowned Chinese painters Mr. Qi Baishi and Mr. He Tianjian had joined the Connor Artists Association of Denmark, which had held exhibitions in the Palace Museum. While the artists from both sides have absorbed and learnt the painting essence from each other, it is the first time for them to set their bilateral exchange in a region as Zhangzhou.   


Today, works of the artists from both the sides have converged in Zhangzhou, a historical and cultural city which is hometown to narcissus, exerting far-reaching influence in cultural exchange. It is a great honor for Zhangzhou artistic circle to appreciate the art treasures form China and Denmark, to experience different artistic features from different regions and cultural backgrounds.


Here, I want to extend my sincere wish to great success of the Northern Europe & Zhangzhou Modern Artworks Exhibition.

漳州市人民政府副市长  黄浦江

Mr. Huang Pujiang Vice mayor of Zhangzhou Municipal Government



前言 Foreword



Just as God created the earth, fairy tale created Northern Europe. The protagonists in the winter fairy tale are undoubtedly our artists.

Northern European art makes its first step on Zhangzhou, the beautiful ancient city in South China. And in the time to come, Northern Europe is no longer far from us; Northern European art is also no longer far from us.


Similar to China, western art has undergone a long history, in which there is not only the Renainssance, Baroque and Romanticism we are familiar with, but also the impact from the different schools of modern art. All these are reflected in its artistic creation and practice, and in its art education. Art today has transcended its original definition and beauty today has taken off its past laurel.


Here, we can have an access to the diversified modes and concepts of expression by Northern European artists which completely depart from tradition. Light and shade is no longer what it was during the Renaissance. Shaping is no longer that of classicism. Color is no longer that advocated by impressionism. Thought and action featured with creativity depend on a healthy, optimistic and free soul, which admits the achievement of every art master and the prosperous era of each nation in history, but refuses to believe the existence of a permanent idol in the world.


Northern European art, to a large extent, is a denial of its own tradition. The only faith supporting the artists is their persistent pursuit of creativity. In the age of increasing globalization, mankind is faced with the same topic: we have competitions, but don’t have to put the opponents to death; we seek survival, but in the sense of common and harmonious development. And for artists in particular, what concerns them most is to care about life, our current living condition and worries for the future with art.


Human beings need communication, communication between each other’s heart. Exhibition of this kind will definitely provide a superb opportunity for the artists to learn from each other.


Our special thanks go to Zhangzhou Municipal Government, Zhangzhou Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Zhangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture and local artists for their creation of this communication platform, and to the Northern European friends who have come all this way here. I have constant confidence in the equal communication and dialogue between different countries and nations. I believe in peace and friendship. We inherit the same cultural heritage and will together build a beautiful homeland with art.


An old legend goes that treasures are buried at the ends of the rainbow. It is my belief that the one end of the rainbow is Scandinavia and the other end is Zhangzhou.

 王彤Tong wang

瑞典籍华人艺术家 Swedish Chinese artist

2010年11月      Novomber 2010






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